A Tribute to Lauren
wake up in the morning
And it seems like a dream...
Someone has said that
God picked another flower
From His midnight garden
I never really understood
What that meant
But if you think about midnight
It is that it lasts for one minute
And after that minute
The dawn begins to break
And slowly, and softly
The morning blazes through
So we last only a minute
Here on earth
In the eyes of God
But when He picks us up
In His hands
His light will shine on us forever
We, the community of New Hampton School
Stop for a moment
To recognize how important
That flower was to us
The space where she was planted
Is no more occupied
And cannot be filled by anyone else
We are all the same flower
Growing in the same garden
And it is the inner beauty
We possess
That holds us together
- Shelleisha
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